Monday, 19 March 2018

How Trump was represented in the media

When Trump was elected the Daily Mirror released this issue of their news paper, the statue of liberty looks as if she is almost crying. This is meant to symbolize the feelings of all America in that they are devastated that Trump was elected into power, this is because the statue of liberty is such a popular icon in American culture.

Trump isn't shown in this print, however it is clear who the focus is. This is due to the trademarks of Trump, such as his hair and the reference to his amount of hand gestures, and the choice of words. Calling Trump a psycho, and comparing his to a film character that murders people for sport and is untouchable by the police because of how well he hides the murders. This could have possibly been a reference to how Trump never receives any back lash from things he has said in interviews, even through they are wrong.

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