Thursday 13 December 2018

Learning Aim A

Publishing is made up of  various groups of industries including: Books, magazines, newspapers and informational serveries.
The publishing industry employ over one hundred and ninety thousand people every year, which is about thirty six percent of the creative media workforce. Over fifty thousand of these people work in the newspaper sector, another fifty thousand work in journalism and magazines, close to  thirty thousand work in the book industry and another twelve thousand work in other informational areas.
Employers look for work staff that are highly literate and have basic office skills, e.g. taking important calls, also employers look for people that have some technical, entrepreneurial or management skills.
Some of the jobs in this sector include: proof reader, copy editor, technical editor, writer and event manager.   

In the film industry, there are certain types of product that can be created, these vary from documentaries, movies and even TV series.
The film industry is one of the most successful types of on screen entertainment, it contributed six point three billion into UK's economy in 2006. It is also becoming increasingly more popular, in 2007 over five hundred and sixteen film were released in the UK alone. That makes it a fifty eight percent increase in the past decade.
There are four main sub sectors in the film industry, production, faculties, distribution and exhibition. These four roles are filled by smaller and larger companies within the film industry, along with some highly skilled free lancers. Woman make up too forty three percent of workers in the film industry, it also consists of several ethnic backgrounds.
The skills that are searched for in this industry are as follows: creativity, highly qualified and can adapt quickly to changing technology.
Some of the things that employers look for are as follows: director, editor and camera crew.

The televisiton industary is the most poplar form of entertainment and information. But the rapid growth of the gaming industry is a close second.
People who work in the television industry come from all over the UK(although sixty two percent are based in London). There is no specific gender that works in this industry.
Some people that work in the industry must be highly skilled, and must have at least a college and university degree, but it is possible to not poses these degrees and be employed. These people must also be able to adapt to new technology much like film employees.
Some of the jobs in the television industry include: editor, director and make up artist.

The radio industry is the distribution of audio content and consists of three different factors: publicly funded radio, commercial radio and voluntary or community radio. The radio industry employs over twenty thousand people.
There is no majority of male or female workers in this industry, although most/all of the workers are highly skilled well qualified with a university degree or higher. About a quarter of the employees are free lance. As well as this most of the work force are of an older generation, they are much older some of the other employees in other creative media industries.
People that work in the radio industry must be spontanious as most radio are live, they should also strive to be creative, finally they should have a clear speaking voice and have a good understanding of the English language(good grades at school).
Some of the jobs in the radio industry include: presenter, broadcast manager, station manager and reporter.

Computer Games
The first games were launched in the 1960s and quickly became firm favorites in the UK by the 1970s,it quickly became a major industry globally.
Within the computer gaming industary there are 485 different businesses, a large majority of which being video game developers. These businesses employ over seven thousand people, approximately six percent of the work force is woman. This is incredibly low, much more than that of other industries.
Some of the jobs available in the computer gaming industry are as follows: game designer, artist, creative director, creator and lead programmer.

Legal and Ethical

In media there are many legal and ethical issues to consider, for example:
Copyright: Copyright is most likely one of the most significant aspects of any news production, whether that is a Newspaper Article or Radio Broadcast - it is vital to gain permission for any content that you use (that isn't your own), which may involve some sort of payment for the sufficient Licence Fees. Content that was originally subject to Copyright can be used if the last creator had died more than 70 years previous - meaning it is no longer subject to Copyright Laws.

Data Protection Act 1998: ​Although a Journalist is trying to report a story, they are sometimes limited to what they can publish due to the Data Protection Act 1998. This means that specific personal information such as Addresses and Telephone Numbers as well as any other Contact Information cannot be shared without the person's permission. The law was passed to give people rights when they have information stored about them.

Discrimination: It is illegal to discriminate against anyone as a result of their Gender, Age, Disability, Sexual Orientation or Religious Beliefs. As a result of Discrimination, a Journalist could face official warnings at the business they work at, or even instant dismissal. These rules are designed so that everybody in society gets a fair viewpoint shared in the Media...

Defamation of Character: In Radio Broadcasts, this is known as Libel and is when you make a false statement about an individual that could negatively effect a person's reputation. If found guilty for Libel, then you may be required to pay a fee in damages (this could be any value within reason).

Ethical Matters: It is important not to discuss stories in such a way that it may relate to specific ethical matters. Of course, some stories (for example, when there was a vote for if homosexuals would be allowed to marry in the UK) do have ethical matters, and these opinions of different viewpoints must be discussed in the news story. 

Company that apply for these laws also apply for inspection from Ofcom. This company is responsible for the checking and constant warning to make sure that these companies are abiding by these laws.

Often referred to as a permanent contract, this type of contract is offered on a continuing basis and has no set expiry date. The contract is open ended and has notice provisions, so that the employee may end the contract earlier by resigning and the BBC may end the contract by giving notice of dismissal.
People employed on a continuing contract are covered by our contractual employment policies and are the employee benefits outlined in the policies. For more information, visit the Why join us? section of this site.

Fixed-term contracts

This is a contract of a known duration and with a specified expiry date, which is stated within the vacancy description. In all other respects a person employed on a Fixed Term Contract is entitled to all the benefits and privileges as those on continuing contracts.
People employed on a Fixed Term contract are covered by our contractual employment policies and are the employee benefits outlined in the policies. For more information, visit the Why join us? section of this site.

Flexi contract

This is a form of the BBC Fixed Term Contract. It is a contract of limited duration, for a defined number of days or hours, which are to be worked as the business requires (e.g. fixed hours per week/month cannot be predicted or guaranteed).
People employed on a fixed term contract are covered by our contractual employment policies and are the employee benefits outlined in the policies. For more information, visit the Why join us? section of this site.

Casual contract

This is a form of contract which will be offered when odd days of work are available intermittently or when continuous work is expected to last for not more than four weeks.

Temporary agency contracts

Dependent on business need, the BBC may outsource temporary requirements to an agency. This form of contract will be formed directly with the agency.

BBC freelance contracts

This contract is offered to self-employed individuals who are providing their specialist services for a specific role, for a specific period of time. If you work with us on a freelance basis, you can get booked and paid via the BBC Freelancers website.

Career Opportunities and structor of the media sector

There are many sectors of media for people to get involved in, television is the largest and most profitable. This industry employs over 50,000 people every year in the UK alone, the main employer the industry is the BBC, it is funded by its viewers through the use of TV licenses, which is why there is a lack of adverts on the BBC. ITV, which is a private company and not funded by the public and finally channel 4 which is funded by advertisements.
Radio is the oldest form of media which dates back to as long as the 1920s, nowadays however radio has taken a backseat due to the rise of technology making it obsolete. As well as this the lack of demand for radio can be attributed to the digital rise of music downloading and streaming. There are three types of radio: publicly funded(funded by the taxpayer), commercial radio(funded by advertisements) and commercial and voluntary radio(funded by the national lottery).
Film, film currently employs over 20,000 people nationwide. Within this industry there are six main sectors: development, production, facilities, distribution, exhibition and exportation.
In film there a many large blockbusters that occupy most of the income. For example: Universal, Disney and Paramount. However there are up and coming companies that have a bright futures ahead in the sectors of Film such as Pinewood studios. These companies don't tend to make films to the likes of the larger companies but do make some films that were well received by the public, such as Star Wars The Force Awakens And Jurassic Word Fallen Kingdom.
Animation. Animation is used to make special effects and even shows that are vital in their production. Animation can also be used in the video game industry.
The video game industry is known for creating immersive and gameplay. Some of the most popular companies include: Dreamwork's(which is owned by paramount) and Pixar(which is owned by Disney). Pixar have worked on pictures such as Toy Story and Cars, Dreamwork's have produced pictures such as Madagascar.
Interactive media is a platform that employs over 30,000 people. This platform is vital for day to day life, everyone with am internet connection uses it, this includes apps such as Twitter, Facebook and Youtube.

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