Monday, 23 April 2018

Pre - Production Portfolio

Pre production is the process followed by the film makers before the film is made. Financing for this process can be made up private, public, joint financing or crowdfunding. Once the money is obtained, it can be used for any number of things such as: equipment, such as cameras and lights, transport for the cast and crew, raw materials, cleaners, talent and facility hire.
 There are four main sections of turning an idea to a film, they are as follows: development, pre — production, production and finally post production. The process taken in each production step are as follows: the film starts as an idea, the legal issues are then taken care of, such as rights to music and a screen play is written, pre production, preparations are made for shooting, cast and crew are hired, locations are selected and sets are built, production is simply raw elements are being filmed and recorded using mics and cameras. Post production, the film is edited production sound is edited, music tracks are composed and recorded, scores are composed and recorded and finally any other computer graphic or computer generated effect are added. The film is then completed(locked).

The first film I have selected is Super Troopers, the whole budget was made up by crowdfunding. The link for the trailer is as follows The film raised over 4.5 million at the box office. The 
Campaign began in 2015 with a target of 2 million as their budget, they supposed their target within 26 
hours. If you gave ten pounds to their funding you would receive a back stage pass and unlimited 
access backstage.

The second crowdfunded film is titled Veronica Mars. The whole project was crowdfunded and raised over 5 million at the box office, yet the budget was below 3 million. It took less than 6 months to hit their goal. The trailer is as follows‎ For donating only a pound the donator 
would be rewarded with getting constant emails and updates about the project.

Crowdfunding, (which was used to fund projects such as Super Troopers 2) is firstly a process of setting up rewards for donators. This will entice people to donate to your film, they can be as simple as getting updates and emails on where they are on the project. The theory for the process is this, people probably aren't willing to put thousands in the project, however they may put in a small amount if they find the core concept interesting. Crowdfundung was mocked years prior to its success, however now a days its used by even large studios. The only downside to Crowdfunding is a lot of noise and a solid plan has to be created to succeed.  
During production, we will decide:
Location 8
Health and Safety
Equipment required(eg cameras)
Booking of green screen rooms(if needed)
Props, costumes needed

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